Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marxism Presentation

I was part of the group that did the presentation on Marxism. I was really excited to see that the class responded well to our activities and that we actually had an on-going discussion.

In order to get our presentation ready, our group met during spring break and assigned sections of the chapters to each person. I was assigned the beginning of the chapter on Capital, Chapter 6. My section focused on commodities, use-value, and exchange-value. My job was to define each of these terms in a way that the class would be able to understand. I prepared my slides with the definitions that Marx gave of each term and then, during the presentation, gave examples so that it would be a lot clearer. It was really great to see that all of the students had a strong grasp on these terms.

I have to admit that before we gave our presentation I was extremely nervous. However, once we were all up there and the discussion began, it was actually really fun! Hearing students bounce ideas off each other was very enlightening. =]

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